Wednesday May 4, 2022


1:30 Bike/Row

2 Rounds:

10 Scapula Pullups

10 Hollow Body Rocks

10 Lunges

10 Plate Hops



Calf Stretch :30/Side

Wall Hinge Stretch :30



5x3-5 strict weighted pullups


As heavy as possible for 3-5 reps.  Unweighted is fine too.  Modify by doing jumping pullups with a controlled negative, or by using a band.  You may also use this time to practice kipping. 



5 rounds:

9 pullups

6 toes to bar

15/12 cal row or bike

45 double unders


F:  9 ring rows; 9 situps; single unders

P1:  chest to bar pullups

P2:  regular pullups; 30 double unders

C:  begin each round with 3 bar muscle ups; 60 double unders; bike cals

Jacque Hagen